Andarine (S4 SARM): Unbelieveable Review With Crazy Results!

Andarine, better known as S4 is a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM).

This SARM was developed by GTX Inc. Its principal purpose was to be utilized in treatment against muscle wasting disorders.

SARMs possess a different pathway than most performance-enhancers. When we examine Andarine, it’s unique properties compared to most compounds.

One of the most effective and potent SARMs is Andarine, also known as the S4 SARM.

This SARM becomes compared to steroidal compounds such as Winstrol and Anavar, mainly because it is known to be as effective.


There is a reason SARMs are regarded as safer alternatives to steroids. Allow me to explain to you just how SARMs enjoy Andarine work.

A specific androgen receptor modulator (SARM) will directly bind to the androgen receptors in the body. Androgen receptors have significant effects on the muscles and bones.

By binding to the glands you will experience a gain in lean muscle mass and stamina. Especially with the S4 SARM as it is much more powerful than other SARMs.

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Because Andarine does this in a selective way, there are not as many side effects as steroids such as Winstrol.

As a result of this SARM being anabolic, it may give drastic results with very little side effects. Keep in mind it isn’t totally side effect free.


S4 is like a milder version of Winstrol. It is really strong at low doses of 25 to 50mg. Regardless of it being a quite gentle SARM, it is actually really strong.

You will see lots of researchers pile Andarine using Ostarine to make a synergic effect. Especially through a caloric deficit, both of these SARMs can allow you to hold onto your muscle mass.


The S4 SARM is used for pretty much anything. Cutting, bulking or recomping is not any problem with this selective androgen receptor modulator.
In a cut, you can definitely expect it to assist you in tight and vascular. It is known to boost strength and mass despite the fact that you’re consuming fewer calories.

In my view, Andarine (S4 SARM) really shines when bulking.

In just a week or 2, you will start gaining a lot of size and strength. Even in a lower dosage of 50mg.

And the great thing is this SARM is regarded as a chemical that is clean. You will not be having any water flaking or retention during a bulk.

It definitely belongs to a few of the more powerful SARMs. I have no doubt in my mind that it is perhaps even stronger than LGD-4033.


Andarine can be run solo or stacked with other SARMs. This seems to be somewhat effective when it comes to enhancing outcomes.

Should you insist on stacking this compound, it is advisable to do it together with GW501516 and MK2866.

S4 is so powerful, you don’t want anything else. It’s now being used for various purposes.

As I mentioned, this SARM is effective at low dosages. At 25mg, you can experience muscle building effects. I really don’t know a lot of substances that are as powerful as S4.
Most researchers will suggest starting with 25mg. From here on, you can slowly build up the dose to 50mg. You shouldn’t exceed this dose since it’s more than enough.

You will some users experimentation with greater dosages but they’ll experience more side effects.

A typical Andarine cycle will usually last around 8 weeks. Do not use this SARM for any longer.

Andarine needs to be dosed multiple times daily as it has a brief half-life.

My advice would be to remain within the recommended dose of 25 to 50mg. Anecdotal experiences tell us that this is regarded as the sweet spot for most researchers.


You can expect great results from experimentation with Andarine. In my opinion, S4 SARM is a great mass builder. It helps with:

  • Construction Muscle
  • Gaining Strength
  • Burning Fat

About two weeks in you will begin feeling the consequences. Your lifts will start going up and you will appear much fuller.

After a few weeks, you will surely be able to tell that you put on a lot of sizes.


One thing I personally noticed whilst conducting S4 was increased vascularity. Though I was not as lean, my veins could begin popping up like mad.

I wound up gaining about 6 to 7 pounds of lean muscle during my cycle. I never went higher than 50mg because it had been way too powerful. For my next run, I will be checking out RAD-140.


I am likely to stay completely honest with you. Andarine does appear to get a few mild side effects. Don’t believe the people who say SARMs are completely side effect free because it is not true.

With that said, the side effects of Andarine are very mild. They are nothing if you compare them to the negative effects of a steroidal compound like Testosterone or Trenbolone.

There are two potential side effects, researchers can anticipate.

The very first one is a light suppression of natural testosterone. This one doesn’t seem to be common but it is crucial to mention.

Due to Andarine’s high anabolic activity, you could potentially be suppressed during a cycle.

That is nothing to worry about as most users will recuperate perfectly alright. But some may require a post cycle therapy (PCT) in order to help them rebound.

The next is a yellowish tint to the vision. Andarine might cause a yellowish tint to the eyesight, generally at higher doses.

This side effect will vanish after quitting the S4 SARM.

The side effects do not occur to everyone. I only want to warn you guys since there is a good deal of misinformation about this SARM.


If you’re looking to obtain S4, be careful. There aren’t lots of vendors left that sell SARMs. You want to make sure you are buying high-quality products.

My advice is to buy from SARMSX. Having used these guys multiple times, I’m confident they’re among the few legitimate sources on the market.


There is a Good Deal of misinformation regarding the S4 SARM. Most individuals aren’t quite certain how it works.

This SARM is one of my personal favorites. It belongs to one of the more powerful ones due to its high anabolic score.

Even at moderate doses, it’s very powerful in regards to gaining size and strength. A lot of users pile it with other compounds to enhance results.

Always be sure to purchase Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs) from trustable websites.